Happy Birthday Cornelia!
Each division gathered for a special celebration honoring our Foundress, Cornelia Connelly. We sang happy birthday and received a special gift to commemorate Cornelia's 213th birthday!
Our celebration was led by Mrs. Goyer.
We received stickers drawn and designed by Mrs. Mueller.
We honored the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We reflected and prayed on how we can live out Dr. King's messages both at school and in the world around us. Nursery 3 created a peaceful heart and shared ways that they can spread kindness to others.
There ideas were:
share toys
be kind to each other
love one another
clean up after ourselves
make art for people
work hard to be smart
help our friends
In science, we attempted to make snow dough. It didn't quite come out the way it was supposed to but we sure had fun trying!
Report cards will be sent home next week via email. Parent/teacher conferences are not mandatory at this time, but please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Looking ahead: there will be no school on Friday, February 18 (faculty in-service) or Monday, February 21 (Presidents’ Day).