A visit from St. Nicholas!
On Monday, to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas, we placed our shoes in the hall in hopes that St. Nick would leave us a surprise.
St, Nicholas left a candy cane and a sticker in our shoe. We were so excited!
Christmas Crafting!

Celebrating Mary, Jesus' Mommy
The Nursery 2 and 3 classes came together to celebrate Mary. We read a story about how kind Mary was and that she always tried to make good choices. These qualities are what made her a wonderful mother to baby Jesus.
Christmas STEM Activity
Using magna-tiles and jingle bells we worked together to create our own Christmas trees.
Sunday, December 12 at 1:30 PM - Please join us for the Family Advent Liturgy in the HCA gym. All are welcome to attend. You can find the RSVP link in the Happenings. We are hosting a toy drive for children from the ages of infancy to 12 years old so please feel free to bring an unwrapped toy. There will also be a bake sale after the Mass.
On Friday, December 17, all students will have a dress down day and may wear holiday colors to school.
The last day of school before Christmas break is Friday, December 17. It is a half day with dismissal at 12:00 noon and no HCA Plus. Christmas break runs from December 18 through January 3. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.