This week we learned all about apples from our Weekly Reader! We explored the parts of an apple: the flesh, the skin, the pips, the stem and the core.
After reading Ten Apples Up on Top, we built our own apple trees using toilet paper rolls and craft sticks. We then tried to see how many "apples" we could stack on top!
We talked about what an apple looks like with each bite we take.
Sequencing events allows a child to understand how objects and events occur in a logical sequential manner. This is a very important aspect of communication for them. Understanding of this skill enables her/him to retell stories, recreate events or anticipate what will happen next.
Have you heard your child sing "pinch and roll, pinch and roll"?
Work rugs are the rugs on which Montessori materials and
lessons are presented on the floor. Work rugs are a
great way to offer an isolated space for activities to be
presented. Presenting lessons on the rug creates a sense
of order and offers consistency as the children's materials change.
Playdough is a wonderful sensory and learning activity for kids. As a child shapes the dough into a ball or rolls it into a snake, they are thinking creatively. The squeezing, pinching and pulling movements help to strengthen their hand muscles and develop the fine motors skills needed for writing.
- Please label all belongings
- Our first Scholastic book order forms will be coming home in the folders next week.
- October 4th is the feast day of St. Francis. Blessing of the animals will take place on the field at 8:15. More information to follow.
- There is NO SCHOOL for students on Monday, October 11th.
- The evening of October 20th & 21st will be parent/teacher conferences for Early Childhood. Sign up Genius to follow,