Mission (IM)Possible was a HUGE success!
HCA Mission Party 2020
A huge thank you to Ms. Rosser and all of the parents who helped to make the Mission Party safe and successful! We had such a fun morning!
We played a great game of Pumpkin toss!
We had a dance party and Ms. Webb taught us the Thriller dance!
Parents, please fill out Pick Up patrol every morning, even if your child will not be attending school that day.
Students may not bring candy to school for snack or lunch.
Order forms are due on Monday, November 9, for the HCA Linvilla Thanksgiving Pie Fundraiser. Help support our school and help the EC students win a pajama day! More information can be found here.
The new HCA spirit wear shop is open. Shop now for 20% off until November 15th
November is All Religions month at HCA. If you or someone you know would be willing to share with a class, a division, or multiple groups either in person, via zoom, or through a pre- recorded clip, please email jmyers@holychildacademy.com and we will make it as easy as possible.
Looking forward, December is All Families month, and January is Native Heritage month. Please email jmyers@holychildacademy.com if you have any ideas.
- Scholastic book orders are due November 13th. Thank you to all who have purchased books for our classroom!! Our online code is RJ26P.
- Tuesday, November 24th will be a 12 Noon dismissal. There is no HCA PLUS.
- School will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday November 25th-27th.