Any parent that would like to be a mystery reader please let me know. We welcome guests to come in and read a special or favorite book to us.
A BIG thank you to our mystery readers this week: Mr. Kellich (Grace) and Mrs. Ulmer (Charlie)! We really enjoyed both stories that were read to us:-)
Mr. Kellich with Grace and her brother, Austin. |
Mrs. Ulmer and Charlie |
Last Friday we got to have a pizza lunch to celebrate our friend Kaleo being cancer FREE!!!
We were so grateful to be part of his anniversary.
We also celebrated his sister Scarlett who's "magic cells" helped to make Kaleo strong and healthy.

During Community Time this week we planted flowers for the patio of 480. We even planted some along the walkway.
Some of us preferred to search for rolly polly bugs! |
The Early Childhood students are so eager to share all they have learned about the baby chicks with you at our celebration! It was an exciting week at HCA when all 12 of our chicks hatched! Take a look:
- The Early Childhood Celebration is on Wednesday, May 15, at 8:30 am. Please see the letter that was sent home for details.
- There is NO SCHOOL on Tuesday, May 21 (Faculty in-service), Friday, May 24, and Monday, May 27 (Memorial Day weekend).
- The last day of school is on Wednesday, June 5.
Have a great weekend!