Montessori work time!
Caroline is sorting fruit by color. Amelia is practicing spooning. Mason is working with the knobbed cylinders. Lucas is classifying by land, sea and air. |
Lily is matching fruit. Aanya is learning opposites. Lucas is so proud of his challenging work! |
Sensory bins fall under Practical Life Skills ~ Sensory bins let a child explore, discover and create play using practical life skills (dumping, filling, scooping) and learn valuable play skills as well as understanding the senses. Our fall sensory bin allowed us to use our sense of touch, sight, touch, and sounds. The bin was filled with acorns, leaves, pumpkins and gourds that the children could explore.
Some days, when we have worked super hard or are just having a rough day, we NEED to play. We are lucky to have both a beautiful playground and an EC community room. To adults we may look like we are 'just' playing however play is a huge part of learning!
Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. It is through play where we learn to adapt to our surroundings in the world.
Some of our favorites in the EC room: the Diner, cars, and Magnatiles! |
The HCA Scholastic Book Fair is scheduled from Sunday, October 28, 2018 to Friday, November 2, 2018. Come and discover some enchantingly terrific books for your family! We invite you to join us at our Family Event on Sunday, October 28 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. We will have a storytime, activities and games for the children attending. One lucky family attending this event will win a gift certificate for a book fair shopping spree! We hope you can join us! The Book Fair will also be open Monday, October 29 - Friday, November 2 so your child can shop with his/her classmates during the school day. You are welcome to visit after school until 4:30 p.m. in the afternoons. The Book Fair will also be open during the Mission Party so stop in and check out all the boo-tiful books!
-Tuesday, October 23rd will be a Bake Sale. All goodies are $.50-$1.00. There will be allergy free treats as well. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION.
-Send in your $5.00 for the Mission Party.
-The Early Childhood division is PEANUT & TREE NUT FREE. Please consider a non-food treat for birthdays. If you are sending in a snack or birthday treat it MUST be allergy friendly or we will send it home. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
-Please remember to swap out your child's change of clothing as the temperatures get cooler.
-Don't forget to listen to your Music Together ~Fiddle at home. Instruction sheets were sent home again this week.
Please check BLUE folders daily. |
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Devenney