I hope everyone had the opportunity to see Seussical Jr last weekend. It was a great show and I am super proud of our older HCA students. Now that the show has ended, Nursery two was able to inherit Horton's tree for our reading corner. The kids were so excited to find a tree in our room on Monday morning!!!
Just waiting to add our grass! (green shag rug)
Trying to catch a Leprechaun!
Last week in celebration of St. Patrick's Day, we tried to catch a Leprechaun. First, we read a story on how to catch one. Next, we built a trap and then we waited!! The Leprechaun was to fast for our eyes however, he did leave us some gold :-)
Setting the trap. |
We thought we caught one, boy were we surprised!
Sink or Float
In STEAM, we used Easter eggs to see what would sink and what would float. We discovered that an egg filled with air floated and egg filled with water sank to the bottom.
We continue to work hard during our Montessori time. We are learning new things and or expanding on old lessons.
You may have noticed your child's cup coming home full this week. On Monday, we began to drink from a regular cup at snack time. Everyone did a fantastic job! If your child does not stay for lunch, you no longer need to send in a sippy cup.
Have a wonderful Spring Break! (Hopefully Mother Nature remembers it is Spring!)
HCA will be closed Monday, March 26th to Monday, April 2nd.
Classes will resume Tuesday, April 3rd.
Happy Easter!
Mrs. Devenney