Our week began as Superheroes!
We read the book We're All Wonders by RJ Palacio. We talked about manners and why it is important to be kind; we even added a few more hearts on our blooming kindness tree!
On Wednesday, we had our very on HCA Olympics! Nursery 2 represented Djibouti. For those of you who do not know, Djibouti is a country located in the horn of Africa. We participated in four Olympic events: Skiing, Skeleton, Hockey, and Curling.
Some of us were afraid to do the skeleton so Mrs. Devenney had to show them it was not scary!!!
On Thursday, we celebrated life in the 1920's. We watched a Charlie Chaplin movie about a fireman and then a recreation of it done by the 8th grade. The kids really thought it was cool that the movie was black & white and had no sound!
You can check out the 8th grade's version here:
Did you know that Jacks was a game from the 20's? Together, with N3 and PreK, we learned how to play Jacks. Ms. Wood even stopped in to play too!
Lastly, but certainly not least, Ms. Webb taught us all how to do the Charleston. We had such a great time!
Today we enjoyed a delicious pancake lunch!
Thank you to Mrs. Mosser and Student Council for making it a great Spirit Week!!!!

Click on the link below to purchase tickets.
Friday, March 16th 7:30
Saturday, March 17th 1:00 & 7:30
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Devenney