I am happy to say that Picture Day was a great success! Some of our friends were hesitant at first but our friends Mr. Mike and Miss Joanne (the photographers) got some great smiling out of your children :-) I really can not wait for you to see their beautiful pictures.
This week in N2 we talked a lot about fire prevention. It is a hard concept for toddlers to understand however it can be introduced on their level with books, simple songs, crafts, and games. We read stories about fire safety; No Dragons for Tea By Jean Pendziwol and Let's Meet a Firefighter By Gina Bellisario were two of our favorites. We played a game called "Hot" or "Not Hot". The children were given a picture of an item, they then had to decided if it was hot or not and place it in the correct column.
In keeping with the fire prevention theme, we made Dalmatian fire dog hats. The dots on the hats are created from your child's fingerprint.
Woof! |
teacher's best friends |
Cutest Dalmatians I ever did see!
N2 continues to be hard workers during lesson time. Each week we learn new lessons and extend our work time by a few minutes. We are often proud when we successfully complete a task or learn something new.
-Please return your conference form if you have not done so already
-Please make sure breakfast is completed before entering school.
-Many of us have the same or similar items, please make sure EVERYTHING is labeled.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me.
Have a great weekend!