Tracing our names with Do-A-Dot markers.

The Do-A-Dot markers allow children to practice hand eye coordination as they direct the stamp to go where they aim on the paper. In this case, it is the letters in their names. Hand dexterity improves as they hold and flip the dot markers and practice their fine motor skills.
👻 Nursery 3 is Fab-BOOOO-lous! 👻
Nursery 3 Prayers
Below are the prayers that we recite in N3 daily.
I am kind
I am smart
I am loving
I am a blessing
Jesus loves me
Our Morning Prayer
O my God, I offer you, all that I think, say and do.
I'll work, I'll run, I'll sing, I'll prayer
Jesus be with me all through the day.
Prayer Before Meals
God is great
God is good
Let us thank him for our food and friends.
Conversation starters to ask your child about their day.
Ask questions that are specific as children of this age are still developing the language skills to describe their day in its entirety. It's easier for them to reply "I don't know" or "nothing" when asked about their day.
Questions to start the conversation:
- Who did you play with today? What did you play?
- Where did you play outside?
- Who made you laugh today? What did they do to make you laugh?
- Did you learn a new lesson?
- How were you a good friend today?
- What was the hardest thing you did today?
- What is your favorite part of your classroom?
- Did you feel proud of yourself today?
- Did you try something new today?
- What did you read today?
-On Friday, October 29, we will have our annual HCA Mission Party. Students may come to school dressed in their Halloween costumes and sneakers. Please make sure costumes do not reflect an evil or frightful tone! We are planning a day filled with games and Halloween fun for the students. Dismissal will be at 12:00 noon that day and there will be no HCA Plus. Please see the emails and Happenings for more details._Pre-K and Kindergarten students are organizing a drive to support our troops stationed abroad. We are looking to collect the following items: individually wrapped snacks: beef jerky, protein bars, trail mix, candy bars; Chef Boyardee or cup of soups (the kind that have a peel top), and travel size toiletries (toothpaste, shampoo, sun lotion, etc.). Donations can be sent in through the Mission Party on the 29th.
Have a great weekend!