St. Patrick's Day Shenanigans!
Next week is SPIRIT WEEK! Here are the themes:
Monday, March 22: Pajama Day Children should wear pajamas and sneakers.
Tuesday, March 23: Twin/Triplet Day In EC, students have been learning about warm and cool colors in art classes. Since twin/triplet day is a hard concept for this age, we are asking that all the girls wear warm colors (red, orange, or yellow) and all the boys wear cool colors (green, blue, or purple).
Wednesday, March 24: Sweats Day Children should wear sweat pants/shirts. Think comfy!
Thursday, March 25: Throwback Thursday/Decades Day Children can come dressed in an outfit of your choice from a different decade.
Conferences are next Thursday afternoon and Friday morning (3/25 & 3/26). The Zoom links will be emailed home next week. Please remember that conferences will last approximately 15 minutes. Please be on time and be mindful of those families who are scheduled after you.
Spring/Easter break is from March 26 through April 5. Classes will resume on Tuesday, April 6. Please refer to the guidelines sent by Mrs. Fox-Tully if you plan to travel during the break.
Are you following us on Instagram? Be sure to check out the EC account @hcadrexelhillec!
Summer camp registration is open! You can find more information on our website https://www.holychildacademy.com/page.cfm?p=533.
I Did Nothing Today Author Unknown When children come home at the end of the day, The question they're asked as they run out to play ...