Friday, November 22, 2019

November 18-November 22, 2019

"Tag to the toes, hands in the holes and FLIP"

In the Montessori classroom, it is important that the children have the opportunity to be as independent as possible.  The classroom is carefully prepared so that is accessible for the children.  However, it doesn't stop there.  The children are given the tools they need to be independent in all aspects of their tiny lives. This week we have begun to work on the Montessori coat flip.  You may hear your child say "tag to toes" .  This lets them have a guide on where to begin.  Once the tag is to their toes, hands go in the holes and flip!  

Some of the children have mastered it. 

Some are still practicing. (or just being silly!)

Please encourage and allow your child the time to practice and succeed!

I sent children to PE and picked up some turkeys!
Mrs. Mossor had the students work together to turn their friend into a turkey.







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Getting ready to make corn dance!
What we needed: corn kernels, baking soda, vinegar and a clear jar.

Now the baking soda.  Once the bubbles settle, the kernels dance!  We had such fun watching them go up and down.

Fine Motor and Feathers

Looking Ahead:
  • Next week will be a short week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  Tuesday, November 26th is a Noon dismissal for all students.  There is no lunch or HCA Plus on this day.  Classes resume Monday, December 2nd.
  • The HCA Family liturgy is Sunday, December 8th at 10 a.m. in the MPR.  It is a wonderful way to kick off the Christmas season.  All families are encouraged and welcomed to attend.
  • The Christmas Show is Wednesday, December 18th at 6:00 p.m.  More details to follow.
  • Grandparents Day is Thursday, December 19th.  The day will begin with the Christmas Show at 9:00 a.m. and end with a snack with Santa.  This is an event for students and their grandparents only.  
  • Christmas break is Monday, December 23rd - Monday, January 6th.  Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 7th.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Devenney

Friday, November 15, 2019

November 11th - 15th, 2019

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As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, we are reminded of the Holy Child tradition to reach out to needy families in the community. This year, we have identified 12 local families who are in need of our support. We will deliver baskets filled with fresh food, groceries and baked goods to these families the morning of Sunday, November 24, 2018 beginning at 8am. 

This year we will be supporting families at St. Charles in Drexel Hill, St. George in Norwood and St. Laurence in Upper Darby. The Seventh and Eighth Graders will bake desserts under the direction of Dr. Kellich. The 3rd and 4th graders will make cards and placemats to personalize the baskets. We kindly ask each student to help provide other items needed for the Thanksgiving dinner. 

**Nursery 3 students are being asked to donate two large jars of applesauce.**

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We have begun snack table during our Montessori work period.

How it works:  Each morning the children are told what is on the menu.  For example, 2 grahams, 4 apple slices or a banana.  When the children are hungry during the work period, they may go get a snack if a seat is open at the table.  No more than 3 at a time may be at the table.  The child gets their name tag (name recognition) from the table, places it in the basket, gets a napkin, their snack and pours their water.  YES!  I just said pours:-)

What it promotes: independence, respect and self awareness.


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In science this week e blew up a balloon using vinegar and baking soda.  When the vinegar (the acid) and baking soda (the base) are mixed together it causes a chemical reaction which blows up the balloon.  

How? When the two are mixed together they create a gas called carbon dioxide.  Gasses need a lot of room to expand so the CO2 starts to fill the bottle and then moves into the balloon to inflate it.  We thought it was pretty cool!!

Image result for work zone clip art for kidsWe continue to work hard learning new lessons during Montessori work period.  

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Thanksgiving Break: Tuesday, November 26th will be a Noon dismissal.  No lunch will be served. No HCA Plus.  There will be NO SCHOOL on Wednesday, November 27th, Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th.

Have a great weekend!

Happy Summer!

  I Did Nothing Today Author Unknown When children come home at the end of the day,  The question they're asked as they run out to play ...