Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

These little turkeys are thankful for.......
"My Maggie, Mommy & Daddy" - Harper
"My Daddy" - Remy
"Daddy" - Kylie
"Pizza" -Lucas
"Daddy & Mommy" -Maya
"Daddy" - Ben
"My Eric & Mommy" -Gigi
"Mommy" -Ben
"Mommy" CJ
On Tuesday, We enjoyed a "Friends giving" with our friends from Nursery 3.  We enjoyed turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing and lots of delicious desserts!  Thank you to all that contributed. 
This is so yummy!!!

MMMMMM......So good!


 Mrs. Festa and I are so thankful that you share your little turkey with us each and every day! 
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Mrs. Devenney


Friday, November 17, 2017

Our first STEAM visit!!

 We had our first STEAM class and it was so cool.  Mrs. Zwilling taught us all about Sphero the robot and showed us how to control him using an iPad.  Since Sphero is waterproof we were able to paint with him.  Our final creation resembled our Earth.  STEAM was so much fun and we are looking forward to our next class!

Braden using the iPad to direct Sphero.

Mrs. Zwilling showing us how Sphero works!

Harper starts Sphero off!

Remy & Harper work together!

Kylie's turn to direct Sphero around the hula hoop.

Now Maya!

CJ moves Sphero with ease.

Braden enjoyed moving Sphero in circles.

Lucas has the hang of this!

We continue to work super hard during our  Montessori work time.  Each of us are learning new lessons daily.  Each day we spending an hour working.  

Here we are hard at work!

Lucas enjoys pouring lessons!

Braden chopping some fruit.

Harper practicing snapping on a dressing frame.

Kylie strengthening her pincer grasp.

Grace making a pattern with the pink tower and brown stairs.

Image result for turkey clip art

Nursery 2 and Nursery 3 will be having a feast on Tuesday, November 21st to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday.  The teachers will be providing the main dishes however we will need some volunteers to bring in some smaller items.  Please keep an eye out for a sign up genius  in your emails.  


-Due to the predicted weather this weekend the flag football game and chili cook off has been cancelled.  

- Wednesday, November 22nd is a half day for all students.  There will be no school Friday, November 24th.  

Have a great weekend!  

Mrs. Devenney

Friday, November 10, 2017

Happy Friday!  The Nursery 2 class would like to thank all the families who purchased books for our classroom at the Book Fair.  We LOVE to read books and will surely put them to great use!

This week was about exploration.  We used  four of our five senses to touch, smell, see and hear.  Our sensory bin is filled with Fall/Thanksgiving items for us to explore.  We used our nose to smell cinnamon sticks, our hands to feel the feathers, leaves (soft), corn (hard), and acorns.  We used our ears to hear the different sounds made when you scoop or pour the corn, feathers or rice.  We used our eyes to see it all!!

Is that a feather?

These acorns feel funny!

Look!  There are pumpkins in here too!

Our work time continues to get longer each week.  Some days, we can work for an hour and fifteen minutes!!! As a whole, we really enjoy giving our turkey (a strainer) feathers.  This lesson strengthens our pincer grasp which is needed for us to begin to write.  This can also easily be replicated at home.

We are happy to report that our pumpkin plants are growing!!  Each morning we check in on them to see if they need to be watered or if any new roots have grown.  The kids love to sniff the plants to see if they can smell pumpkin. :-)

Three of our nine plants have begun to grow.


-Next Friday, November 17th will be a half day for all Nursery 2 students and there will be no Kids Club.  All N2 students, including half day students, will be dismissed from the Penn Ave parking lot at 11:30 am.    If you have an older child, they may be dismissed along with your younger child at this time.

-HCA students will continue with the tradition of giving  this Thanksgiving season and give to those less fortunate within our community.  Thanksgiving baskets will be made up and delivered to 13 families.  Nursery 2 has been asked to provide pancake mix and syrup.  If you are able to donate please send it into school with your child.

-Please make sure breakfast is finished prior to arriving at school as there are severe food allergies in our neighboring classroom. 

Things to Do at Home:

-Encourage independence when you can.  Allow your child to hang up their coat, throw out their trash etc.

-Practice taking turns

-Play I Spy for shapes and colors within your environment.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Devenney

Friday, November 3, 2017

The Mission Party & Our Pumpkin Plants

What a super busy week!!!  Nursery 2 had such a blast participating in the Mission Party with the entire student body.  I was so proud of the way we all walked in the parade and waved to our moms and dads.  Once the parade was over, and our costumes were safely tucked back into our school bags, we headed to the MPR to play some games with out 7th grade friends.  We had several stations but some of us were really just interested in the balloons!! 

After a morning of fun, we headed to the cafeteria for a pizza lunch.  For both snack and lunch we were joined by our 6th grade friends. 

This pizza is delicious!!!


We planted our pumpkin seeds and check in on them each day to see if they are thirsty.  So far, no sprouts but we will keep an eye out!



- Please LABEL everything!!  Several of us have the same items, please make sure your child's name is on all that belongs to him/her.

-If you have not done so already, stop in the book store and check out the great books!!  We are a class that enjoys books!

-Bagels & Books at the Book Fair is this Saturday, November 4th from 9-10:30 a.m.  A special story time and breakfast treats will be offered. 

-Send in a picture of your child.  This picture will be used for a craft and will not be returned.

-There is NO SCHOOL on Tuesday, November 7th.

Last, but certainly NOT least...a huge THANK YOU to the Rosario, Swain, and Connor families for sending in delicious pizza and treats for our Halloween celebration!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs .Devenney

Happy Summer!

  I Did Nothing Today Author Unknown When children come home at the end of the day,  The question they're asked as they run out to play ...