Thursday, October 24, 2019

October 21st -25th

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This week in Science the Nursery 3 and Pre-K students were introduced to the concept of Chemistry and chemical reactions by creating a pumpkin volcano.

First we needed to clean out the inside of the pumpkin.  Each student got to stick their hands inside and pull out some seeds and pulp.  They were then asked to explain what it felt like; some said slimy, others said gooey and some did not want to touch it at all.  

Once we cleaned out the pumpkin guts, it was time to start our "experiment". While the children do not fully understand the concept of a chemical reaction, the seed of knowledge was planted.  

So what does cause the pumpkin volcano to erupt?  We mixed baking soda (the base) with vinegar (the acid) together causing a chemical reaction, the eruption!  


To celebrate our Founder's Day, our older students led the younger students in both fun and service-related activities.  We decorated brown paper bags that will be filled with snacks for children experiencing homelessness, chalk drawings of the HCA seal that remind us of Cornelia's joyful message, pumpkin rolling, and relay races.
Cornelia would have been proud of all the joy! 

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Mission Party Reminders 
-The children are to arrive to school by 7:55 a.m. in costume.

-Costume “weapons” (swords, bows and arrows, guns, etc.) and full facial masks will not be permitted.

-The parade will begin at 8:15 am - bring your cameras!

- Please have your child wear his/her costume with sneakers. The children will remain in their costumes for the entire day.

- From 9:00-10:10, games will be held in the gym and activities will be held in the MPR for students in Nursery 2, Nursery 3, Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st grade. Teachers will take the classes around as a group. Parents, you may join the group and follow along if you wish.

-All students will gather in the cafeteria together at 10:15 am for snack.

-At 10:30, the students in Nursery 2, Nursery 3, Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st grade will return to their classrooms to watch a Halloween movie. You may take your child home at this time if you wish (please notify your child’s teacher if you plan to do so), or he/she can stay until regular dismissal. The
Parents’ Association has some activities planned for parents until dismissal if you wish to stay.

- Dismissal will be at 12:00 noon. No lunch will be served and there will be no HCA+ that day.

The day will be a memorable one for you and your child. We hope that you will be able to join us for at least part of the day.

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  • Just a reminder that there is no school on Friday, November 1st.  
  • Please send in your $5.00 for the Mission Party.
  • Bring in your cans!!!!  We have a 1000 can school goal for Camp Out for Hunger, help us reach it!

Have a great weekend!

Happy Summer!

  I Did Nothing Today Author Unknown When children come home at the end of the day,  The question they're asked as they run out to play ...