Thursday, November 15, 2018

November 12- November 16

Montessori Work Time!

Each Nursery student is working for an hour everyday during work time.  As you can see from the pictures they love to do "challenging" lessons. Our work time will eventually build to an hour and a half .  

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The first snowflakes of the year!

When we saw the first snowflake fall, we put on our coats and headed outside to catch some on our tongues. 

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We put on our scientist hats to see if we could make corn dance!  We made a PREDICTION that the corn would either sink, jump, or float to the top.  The children learned that when you add vinegar to baking soda and water it causes a CHEMICAL REACTION and the corn will dance:-)

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Tag to Toe 
The Montessori way to put on your coat.

In the Nursery classroom we have learned the Montessori way to put on our coats.  Most of us do it with ease, some of us still need a little assistance.  Please allow your child to do this small task at home.

Here is how:
-Place the coat so that the tag of the coat is lined up with your child's toes.
-Have the child place their arms in the arm holes and flip over their heads.  Once flipped, the coat should be on correctly.
Teach toddlers how to put on their coats the Montessori way. This easy coat flip trick can be used with the youngest kids.

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As I said at back to school night, this class is not a class that naps on a regular basis.  Beginning after the Thanksgiving break, we will work in the afternoon. (This is in addition to our morning work time).  We will still have a quiet time but it will only be about 30 to 40 minutes.  

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  1. Wednesday, November 21st is a half day for ALL students.  Dismissal will be at 12 noon.
  2. Please label all items.                                                                  
  3. Make sure your child has a seasonal change of clothing; including socks.
  4. ALL Nursery students have STEAM, Gym, and Music.  Be sure to check out those blogs to see what we are doing:-)
  5. Only a large beach towel is needed for rest time.  Please do not send items that can not fit in the backpack.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Devenney

Happy Summer!

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